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Our Father which are in Heaven, I confess that I have sinned against you.
I confess that I have failed to trust in all your good promises.
I confess that I have broken your laws and transgressed

against you.
Because of my transgressions my redemption has been weakened, my authority has been compromised, and my desires are in torment.
I call upon you now, my God and Savior, in the name of Jesus Christ my redeemer.
I humbly cry out to you: Lord! Lord! Restore unto me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit to sustain me.
Lord! Lord! Wash away all my iniquity and cleanse me from all my sin.
In the name of Jesus I willingly renounce the bitter waters of the enemy, which have brought sickness in my body, through the polluting of my soul.
I now freely drink the water that flows from the river of life, the living water that flows from your Throne Oh God!
I now freely eat the bread that came down from heaven. The Lamb of God! Your Living Word!
I now freely apply the covering that your blood provides dear Jesus. For the healing of my broken body, and restoration of my tormented soul.
Revive and renew my spirit Oh Lord! In Jesus mighty Name I humbly pray.
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